For example, a keen listener could find himself listening to a cue from the Outer Limits series during the climactic final episode of The Fugitive.
The climactic episode with the sniper is a conflation of two episodes in the book, one from part two, and another from part three.
The only false note is the jarring climactic episode - a swift, rather apocalyptic moment that makes literal Taft's feelings of ungroundedness.
By the climactic episode - a strange and heavily foreshadowed crisis involving a sinister young boy - they have indeed taken on the emotional power this material so urgently needs.
Then he brings together all these elements with a terrific climactic episode, an elaborately planned raid on an isolated hideout filled with surveillance equipment.
During the arc's climactic episode, Harley duct-tapes Mercy's mouth shut and ties her to a killer android that attacks Batman and Superman.
That was Bloody Sunday, when the Alabama State Police ran riot over civil rights marchers in the climactic episode of the voting rights campaign.
Not until 1:24 or so, when the chase concluded, was it evident that this was meant to be the film's exciting climactic episode.
His Priests of Baal scene and the climactic episode in which Elijah beholds the face of God are also riveting.
How this ends up with a climactic episode of time travel in a modified trailer may escape you, but you ignore this movie's message at your peril.