As the climactic hide-and-seek game begins, the adults present turn out the lights and the children designated to hide, including Peter and Francis, are required to scatter.
One: no more sports movies where during the climactic game someone connected to the team is cheering from a hospital bed.
In the 1992 movie, "A League of Their Own," a character based on Deegan is the relief pitcher in the film's climactic game.
St. John's, which improved its overall record to 17-8, will go into the climactic game at 12-5 in league play.
Their stories, which march toward the big climactic game, pausing for uplifting speeches and off-the-field crises, are popular with audiences and also with actors.
Knight himself appears in the movie and coaches against Nolte in the film's climactic game.
The movie includes a number of competitions intended to accomplish that goal, including a fundraiser (a kissing booth), a dance and a climactic game of strip football.
You can also feel the chill; the climactic game takes place in minus-10-degree weather.
These games, however climactic, define nothing beyond the long and winding pro basketball season that will end next month and start up again in the fall, before we know it.
"It is what you work for all year," Leetch said when the possibility of a climactic game was brought up.