As the colony disintegrated and the climate steadily worsened, those who could do so withdrew from Earth.
As the political climate worsened, Foxe believed himself personally threatened by Bishop Stephen Gardiner.
However, its once healthy climate gradually worsened,and, probably because of endemic malaria, the area of cultivated land round it shrank drasticly.
It is important to remember that while climate may worsen the symptoms of MS, climate changes do not produce more actual nerve damage.
The already bad political and social climate created by the long term left-right confrontation worsened, and many right-wing rebellions were started.
However, Mexico's political climate gradually worsened.
In July the climate abruptly worsened.
This clear evidence of previous ancient habitation and cultivation shows that the climate worsened until the farmers were forced to move to lower ground.
Hot climates can worsen your MS symptoms, but you can gain control.
Mrs. Rothman also said it is possible that if the economic climate worsens some shareholders could stop paying maintenance or, in extreme situations, be forced to default.