The predicted warming, according to the United Nations panel, would be accompanied by widespread climatic disruption.
Scientists say that a doubling of the gases, expected some time in the next century at present emission rates, would cause widespread and serious climatic disruptions.
The combination, many scientists believe, is making the greenhouse effect more intense, future global warming inevitable and major climatic disruptions more likely.
Besides, CO2's just one part of the climatic disruption.
The predicted warming, if it materializes, would likely cause widespread climatic disruption, the United Nations panel said.
Nevertheless, the predicted warming could cause widespread climatic disruption.
Most climatologists believe that this will cause a gradual warming of the earth's surface over the next few decades, probably causing important climatic disruptions.
We won't be subject to climatic disruptions, such as El Nino.
It is an insurance policy against climatic disruptions that could severely damage the world's economies.
In other words, how big is any coming climatic disruption likely to be?