This leads to a series of curious plot twists leading to a climatic scene with cable cars on a high plateau ridge.
At the end of this climatic scene, Marie-Adele dies just as the other women are losing.
In a location-scouting coup, they won permission to film the novel's climatic scene at Stonehenge.
In the climatic scene the hermit cures Sundari's blindness on a large rock.
His character's death was the climatic scene that ended one of the episodes and began the story in the next.
For the climatic scene where the ship crashes into an island, de Bont wanted to create and destroy an actual town.
He also loved the climatic scene involving a gunshot-induced deaf Peter and the subway.
All three had similar themes revolving around the climatic chase scene at the end of the 2003 film, The Italian Job.
They are reunited in the climatic final scenes of the series, showing Gervais' character's capacity for kindness and forgiveness.
The song was featured in the movie Varsity Blues during the climatic scene of the final football game.