Demand for Grotjahn's works has climbed steadily in recent years, with prices now typically reaching $500,000 to $800,000.
The nation's unemployment rate climbed to 7.1 percent in December 1991, the highest in five and one-half years.
The Saudi stockpile has been built up over the last three months as oil prices have climbed near their highest levels in years.
Prices have climbed in recent years, but they are still a long way from approaching what is considered high-end for Caribbean properties.
But whatever the cause, the number of reported cases of repetitive stress injuries has been climbing sharply in recent years.
The stock kept climbing in successive years and yesterday gained 75 cents, to $85.
That work paid off as property values stabilized in the 80's and began to climb in recent years.
Prices for radio and television groups have been climbing in recent years as these industries have increasingly consolidated.
It reached a low of 20 percent in 1982 and has climbed in recent years.
Although the number of teen-agers responsible for traffic accidents nationwide dropped between 1985 and 1992, it has been climbing again in recent years.