If the new rules take effect, that pay would climb significantly, according to Ms. Fienberg.
Attendance in New York City's schools climbed significantly last year, reaching its highest level in 24 years, school officials said yesterday.
He received disability payments, but as his rent climbed significantly each year, the payments did not keep pace.
In late September 2002, WRDU flipped back to classic rock, and the numbers climbed significantly.
The sale of contraceptives also climbed significantly.
But if long-term interest rates start to climb significantly, making mortgages more expensive, the fever in the real estate market could cool, thereby reducing the number of high-price sales.
Former employees would have to exercise those options within 18 months, and unless Coke's stock climbed significantly in that period, they might be worthless.
And if interest rates climb significantly, who will be blamed?
Only in the last 10 years have the calories per person per day climbed significantly over the level available in 1909.
The number of visitors from China also climbed significantly.