He attended academic seminars, climbed volcanoes, and toured the neighborhoods of Jakarta.
"Nowadays, on New Britain we climb volcanoes all the time," Ninomiya says offhandedly.
For starters, try climbing lava-gurgling volcanoes with perfect cones that poke above the cloud line.
No matter what happened her father still took the family everywhere he could, such as visiting museums, theaters, ruins, and to climb volcanoes and watch the geysers.
She had ridden horses, climbed volcanoes, and learned surf swimming.
Visitors to El Salvador should use caution when climbing volcanoes or hiking in other remote locations.
They'd even been known to go climbing volcanoes and slip into the craters.
We advise against climbing volcanoes at night.
I love to climb mountains and volcanoes, mainly for the view and the feeling of "accomplishment" (if you know what I mean).
"Now I climb volcanoes," she said.