At discharge, when he was fully well, he was eating normally and had no clinical abnormality in chest or abdomen.
In some cases of mental handicap there are recognizable clinical abnormalities as well as low intelligence.
Management consists of treating the clinical abnormalities at the time of presentation.
In Capparis-fed goats, anaemia developed and the results of kidney and liver function tests were correlated with clinical abnormalities and pathologic changes.
Odontohypophosphatasia is present when dental disease is the only clinical abnormality and radiographic and/or histologic studies reveal no evidence of rickets or osteomalacia.
Many patients can have leukoaraiosis without any associated clinical abnormality.
This absence of significant clinical abnormality may be partly a reflection of the fact that donkeys are rarely required to perform sustained exercise.
Neonatal clinical abnormalities at birth are rare.
"We need more research to understand the incidence of clinical abnormalities and explicit protocols to manage findings that are accidentally discovered."
Vitamin deficiencies can lead to wide ranging clinical abnormalities that reflect the diversity of their metabolic roles.