This is very important in clinical neurology.
His research and publications included work in the areas of clinical neurology, neuropathology, neurochemistry and neuropharmacology.
He was fascinated by abiogenesis or spontaneous generation, and this interest ultimately resulted in his premature retirement from clinical neurology.
In present-day clinical neurology, various brain pathologies may be best detected by looking at particular measures of anisotropy and diffusivity.
Holdorff B. Founding years of clinical neurology in Berlin until 1933.
This essay is considered by many to be the founding stone of clinical neurology.
Dr. Berg maintained a private practice while a professor of clinical neurology there from 1972 to 1989.
Indeed, clinical neurology predates the emergence of psychology as an independent discipline.
Descriptions of the condition, including the severity and the area of the brain affected, are now used more often than "concussion" in clinical neurology.
He became an assistant professor of clinical neurology there in 1956, and also maintained a private practice from 1972-89.