Gena Hamshaw C.C.N., is a certified clinical nutritionist and writer who specializes in raw and vegan diets and digestive health.
Mr. Sheats, who is a clinical nutritionist, explained, "We have gone into business with a breeder and make some money from it."
Oxford said its network would be made up of 500 to 1,000 acupuncturists, chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists, yoga instructors, clinical nutritionists and registered dietitians.
My real job is as a clinical nutritionist.
"A clinical nutritionist?"
Channel 4, let's not forget, branded her very strongly, from the start, as a "clinical nutritionist".
I also am a clinical nutritionist," began Professor Garrow, "and I believe that many of the statements in this book are wrong.
Mrs. Boulton, 26, is a clinical nutritionist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.
For Loyd and Alyce, getting guidance from a clinical nutritionist was the kick-start they needed to meet their health goals.
Different professional terms are used in different countries, employment settings and contexts - some examples include: nutrition scientist, public health nutritionist, dietitian-nutritionist, clinical nutritionist, and sports nutritionist.