It was for this reason that new Parisian hospitals appeared, each specialising in one or several clinical specialties.
While originally a distinct clinical specialty, it has been integrated as a specialisation of general medicine since the late 1970s.
The first nursing school to have awarded a master's degree in a clinical specialty.
They are recognized as specialists and sub-specialists in many clinical specialties nationally.
The hospital offers a wide variety of clinical specialties, including:
The Master Degree training programs are available in 32 clinical specialties.
His clinical specialty is in Interventional radiology, especially for cancer and nonvascular intervention.
During the 1970s, the hospital introduced new clinical specialties to the public, which included neonatology and orthopaedic surgery.
The teaching hospitals will have fewer beds and fewer residents in clinical specialties, he added.
Within the hospital system were an array of titles and levels, which often focused upon clinical specialty rather than generic nursing knowledge.