She turned to see the cloaked woman, shrunk now to almost human size.
They sprang apart, and the cloaked woman drew herself to her full height.
She saw the prisoners all at once, three cloaked women and a small child riding on caparisoned horses.
As I spoke a cloaked and hooded woman glided from the shelter of the trees behind and stood before us.
As he dressed, the cloaked woman remained just inside the door, unmoving.
One of the cloaked women mounted a seat and clapped her hands for quiet.
Instead, a woman, hooded and cloaked, stepped around him and into the room from where she'd been hidden behind his bulk.
As Aillas supped he watched the cloaked woman at the far table, where she took her own supper.
As this happens a cloaked and heavy woman enters the room.
Here a cloaked woman looks from the top of dunes towards the ship's silhouette on a shimmering sea.