The fancy clock on the mantel was nearing an hour that would chime The Shadow's doom, but he didn't seem to care.
As the clock neared 3 a.m. we progressed onto Phase 4: a club.
With the clock nearing zero, Sprewell forced a 22-footer that Mihm got a hand on.
And Jeremy was ticking faster, as the clock neared completion.
Then, as the clock neared its final boom, the sleuth gargled huskily.
As the clock neared 10, with no news, we were worried.
As the clock nears 5:00 PM, the crew works furiously, and the building rises toward the clouds.
As the clock neared 11 p.m. Wednesday her eyes, kohl-rimmed and dusted with gold eye shadow, grew heavy.
The noise swells as the clock nears the starting time and a preliminary match between junior or suburban squads comes to a close.
At levels where a shot clock is used, teams will take shots only if the clock is nearing zero.