The "clock" resets itself daily to the 24-hour cycle of the Earth's rotation.
When time ran out (indicated by a bell), the clock reset to 25 and the other teammate began the next section immediately.
However, the power is cut and the clock is reset, blinking 12:00 repeatedly once the power comes back on.
The clock is reset when you send your application back to us.
The Fox series is phenomenally successful in large part because the clock is reset every season.
The clock is reset as the environment changes through an organism's ability to sense external time cues of which the primary one is light.
The clocks could not simply be reset to zero, stopping the countdown.
Instead, the clock reset itself for twenty-five seconds.
Perhaps the biological clock could be reset with just a few cones.
Moreover, the devices may need to be reprogrammed and their clocks reset when power is restored.