If the team that scored did not serve the previous point, the players of the team rotate their position on the court in a clockwise manner.
Starting from the player to the left of the bidder, bidding continues in a clockwise manner.
This goes on in a clockwise manner, until each player receives 20 cards.
The game starts with the player on the left of the dealer, and goes on in clockwise manner.
The timescape can only be traversed in a clockwise manner.
"We'll now shift our scan around the room in a clockwise manner."
Aarti is waved in circular fashion, in clockwise manner around the deity.
The players take turns doing this in a clockwise manner until a Jack is placed on the pile.
All named rivers and creeks are listed in a clockwise manner, starting in the south:
First class routes were numbered from 1 to 14; all began at Paris, radiating out in a clockwise manner.