He is served by big robot probes and has a big cloning machine.
If someone made the cloning machine and people just started cloning cars instead of buying them, why would anyone invest in new models?
He spent 10 long years and built a cloning machine!
He discovered that he can create clones of himself without a cloning machine.
Dave plopped the fleshy mass inside a slot on the cloning machine.
Sam and Max help to restore her to life using the cloning machine in exchange for her help.
At this point, the only way to "lose" the game is to allow the enemy to capture and destroy the player's cloning machine.
The first cloning machine relied on stimulated emission to copy quantum information encoded into single photons.
He is served by gigantic robot probes (around the same size as Insectosaurus) and possesses a giant cloning machine.
They end up triggering a cloning machine which generates three samurai.