The money from the tax increases and the spending cuts are intended to close a shortfall of about $4 billion in the governor's $31 billion budget.
The Transit Authority found itself in a similar situation earlier this year, when it appealed to Albany to help close a $165 million shortfall.
They did not yet reach an agreement on an overall budget to close an $11.5 billion shortfall in revenue.
Virginia, for example, has struggled to close a $6 billion shortfall over the last two years by trimming state jobs and programs.
The General Assembly approved $200 million in taxes to close a shortfall in the state's $7 billion budget.
Last year, state leaders instituted extra state and local sales taxes on clothing items under $110 to help close a $12 billion shortfall.
The governor and the State Legislature are negotiating a plan to close a $5.1 billion shortfall in next year's budget.
The cuts have been proposed to help close a combined $11.5 billion shortfall in the state's $90.8 billion budget.
The Governor needs to close a projected $3.9 billion shortfall in the year beginning April 1.
At the same time, they are trying to close a widening shortfall in this fiscal year, estimated to be at least $600 million and probably more.