He said that if one of the sampling stations detected red tide, the state would close shellfish beds in the area because it can spread quickly.
Mr Clarke said: 'I see no reason why the NHS management should give a higher offer in response to industrial action and then have to close beds and reduce patient services to pay for it.'
On April 23, the hospital's directors voted unanimously to approve a "new vision" proposed by hospital administrators that would close in-patient beds and convert the hospital to a residential care center for elderly men and women.
After years in which they closed beds and laid off workers, many hospitals are struggling to cope with surprising increases in the number of patients.
St Vincent's has been forced to close beds in the past because of inadequate government funding, despite huge increases in the number of patients admitted in recent years.
Some, unable to maintain adequate staffs, have been forced to close beds.
Age Concern receives frequent reports about health authorities closing long-stay beds, without ensuring that appropriate alternative provision is available.
According to another article ('Hospital closes beds as cash crisis bites', 28 September), Barts hospital in London, one of the best teaching hospitals in England, is having to close 75 beds.
In the 1970s, when comprehensive resettlement services were first developed and psychiatric wards were emptied by the steady resettlement of low dependency patients into group homes, the opportunity to close beds was not always taken.
Hospitals are merging, closing beds and cutting jobs; some new buildings stand vacant.