Robert Pfeifle (1930-1950) (20 years): Robert Pfeifle began his term with a massive campaign to close speakeasies, brothels, and confiscation of illegal liquor.
Paintings and drawings of maisons closes (brothels), and prostitution appear frequently in art over the centuries, some of which are shown here.
The city has closed at least 18 massage parlors and brothels for violations since the regulations took effect in August.
They also demanded suppression of the distinction between married women and concubines, between legitimate and natural children, the abolition of prostitution in closing the maisons de tolérance, or legal official brothels.
He closed brothels and demolished slums on municipal land in the Daan District to complete what is now Daan Forest Park.
In Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool and Cardiff the police and the NVA worked in close contact, closing brothels, prosecuting for obscenity and investigating cases of abduction.
Hague closed brothels and dance halls where prostitutes picked up customers and reformed the Police Department, which had become all but indifferent to enforcing the law when payoffs were forthcoming.
Langer closed brothels in Minot, became a federal marshal to raid a Minnesota brewery, and enforced school attendance laws.
The Limelight was the first major nightclub to be shut down under the Police Department's Civil Enforcement Initiative, which began as part of a community policing effort in 1991 and uses department lawyers to close drug dens, problem bars, brothels and other locations under the nuisance abatement section of the city administrative code.
Defining Disaster Down When they closed the wedding chapels, brothels, and even the 24-hour casinos in Nevada early this month, I knew that disaster had truly struck.