The firm had close dealings with the railroads-especially the Pennsylvania Railroad, which carried much of its freight.
Francisco Echevarria has had close dealings with all these gentlemen, or at least their Miami officers, at one time or another.
And the disclosure of his close dealings with Palestinian militants as cited in the indictment prompted even some university backers to rethink their support for him.
Later he asked that those comments be omitted from any article and said it had been years since he had had these close dealings.
This is close dealing.
One claim in the PETA campaign is sure to catch the attention of anyone who has ever had close dealings with a chicken.
Legal and Regulatory expert with close dealings with key infrastructure providers, project management and industry participation.
Lots of other clues in the comments of those who've had close dealings with him.
It is not every family that could risk with safety such close interdomestic dealings; but in this also Fleeming was particularly favoured.
But close dealings with the American military remain controversial in much of the region.