Gandhi chose him as a close disciple and entrusted to him several important missions.
He became a close disciple of Deshimaru, who made Livingston a Zen teacher.
Still, it is nice to have the added voice of a close disciple to add to Bartok's own.
He then went to Brussels where he studied composition under Scriabin, becoming one his close disciples.
This book has been compiled by one of his close disciples and primarily published in 1998.
His close disciples developed the philosophy in the early years of the movement.
Jyotiscandra Ray, known as "Bhaiji," was an early and close disciple.
He performed Narvedh Yagna there and gained several close disciples.
The father revealed the baby to some forty close disciples, and then the child was concealed.
When he was seven months old, this boy had appeared in a dream of a close disciple of Lama Yeshe.