The best strategy is close follow-up by a physician.
If patients survive acute presentation, within three to five years 30% will develop complications and require close follow-up.
These guidelines are based on recent meta-analyses showing intensive surveillance and close follow-up can reduce the 5-year mortality rate from 37% to 30%.
In many cases, these conditions can be treated outside of the hospital with oral antibiotics and close follow-up by your doctor.
Furthermore, close follow-up with imaging is required with an observation strategy to rule out an enlarging tumor.
The patient will need close follow-up with a rheumatologist or internist.
Without this close follow-up, if the cancer comes back, it might not be found until it has spread and is harder to treat.
Estimates of the false negative rate depend on close follow-up of a large number of patients for many years.
I fully agree with the solution finally reached by Parliament in order to impose a close follow-up of the use of coccidiostats and histomonostats.
Cervical cancer detected in its early stages can be cured with treatment and close follow-up.