Without direct quotes or close paraphrases, Professor Ginsburg said, "there is no copyright claim, even though there could be considerable economic consequences."
Barry Moser's narrative is a close paraphrase of Jacobs's.
But it said the biography's extensive use of "close paraphrases" of the Salinger letters had gone beyond the permitted limits.
Despite differences in wording and sentence structure, the court found this to be a close paraphrase of a highly original expression.
There are cases where there is very little choice about how to express some fact or idea, so a copy or close paraphrase may be unavoidable.
"Babylon" is a close paraphrase of the 137th Psalm, based on the canon By the Waters of Babylon by Philip Hayes.
Much of the text of the examples given was either quoted verbatim from anti-evolutionary sources or was a close paraphrase of such materials.
The phrase in quotes is either an exact quote or a very close paraphrase; I do not have the transcript available.
In all, she said that in the same book she failed to acknowledge scores of quotations or close paraphrases from other authors.
The dialogue that bridged the gaps was a close paraphrase of the original libretto, with no gratuitous additions.