Still, he can't keep a close rein on all his henchmen.
I kneed Judas in the side, turning him to follow, but kept a close rein, hesitating.
Seems very important to him, though; he keeps himself under close rein, but wound tight as a watch.
Anyway, he wants there to be close reins on this case.
With such as he commands, it takes a man of unusual personality to hold so close rein.
By keeping a close rein on this, we'll lick both the population explosion and upbreed the race.
Keeping a close rein on my temper, I set course.
He was keeping close rein on his emotions.
The Saudis are keeping a close rein on information about their troubles.
Seems veg important to him, though; he keeps himse@f under close rein, but wound t4kt as a watch.