The cold penetrated her outer layer and closed relentlessly on her core.
The Liberator continued to close relentlessly, its pilot ignoring the pounding it was taking.
He'd been having a terrifying dream: he was imprisoned between two walls that were relentlessly closing in on him.
Now it would close relentlessly, its speed increasing as it closed for the kill.
The flight was heading directly at Vincennes, and its range was relentlessly closing.
Maybe, but I want to take it gently, stopping off here and there while the thundering herd relentlessly closes in on me.
The pack was relentlessly closing in.
He closed relentlessly on the sole remaining Zero of the flight of four.
But Rimmer Dall closed on it relentlessly, pressing in, squeezing.
As her eyes relentlessly closed, Menolly had one last thought: how had Beauty known where she was?