Businesses were closing under the onslaught; the bus depot closed twenty minutes after a nearly empty Greyhound coach delivered Shackley to them.
The crew arrived at the spacecraft about 2 hours and 45 minutes before the launch and the hatch closed 30 minutes after their arrival.
Mosques continued to close 30 minutes after prayers, he said, apparently to keep people from congregating.
Note that the museum closes 15 minutes before the gardens.
Showalter originally told a clubhouse guard that the Yankees would keep their doors closed 20 minutes to have a meeting.
Starting tomorrow, the gate will close ten minutes after starting time.
It used to close boarding 30 minutes before flight time and now closes 40 minutes before take off.
The Box Office opens 15 minutes before the first performance each day and closes 15 minutes after the start of the last performance.
The conservatory closes 30 minutes before the grounds close.
In 27 minutes, the Dow dropped 24 points (about 5%) and 2.6 million shares were sold off; the exchange closed 83 minutes early that day.