Her mouth opened and closed twice before she managed to say, "Must you take this foolish dare?"
Her mouth opened and closed twice, but no sound came out.
Rutgers twice closed to within 1 point, 70-69, and 85-84.
Sara's jaw opened and closed twice before she could manage speech.
Lonal's mouth opened and closed twice, looking for all the world like a fish gasping for air.
They did make a serious run at Chicago in the fourth quarter, twice closing the gap to 1 point.
Her mouth opened and closed twice, like a beached fish, before she could get the words out.
They twice closed to 4 points, the second time off two brilliant back-to-back possessions.
Brace's mouth opened and closed twice before he could say anything at all, and then he didn't want to talk.
Her mouth opened and closed twice before she managed to speak.