Even in this close-quarter combat, the Warriors of Zind showed little if any individual initiative.
He managed to rally his troops and engaged the enemy in close-quarter combat, killing at least 30.
Admiral Chin had no doubt both of them were experts in close-quarter combat, armed or unarmed.
There is a sheath on the wrist that contains a knife for close-quarter combat.
In this regard, it is an ancillary close-quarter combat or last-resort weapon.
In close-quarter combat, the Luftwaffe was struggling to have an impact.
This class is best suited for players who prefer medium to long range attacks but can survive in close-quarter combat when played by knowledgeable players.
During the early stages, coalition troops encountered heavy resistance and had to clear several compounds in close-quarter combat.
For close-quarter combat, a mace or sword was made available as a secondary weapon.
While riding a horse players can do close-quarter combat with any melee weapon they possess.