The court where she has worked for 25 years is closed indefinitely.
It has been indefinitely closed to the public as of 2008.
It was closed indefinitely in 2008, having reached the end of its service life.
It was closed indefinitely in January 2005 due to financial issues.
However, the show never became a popular success, and it closed indefinitely just 16 months after its opening, in June 2012.
Currently the museum and mission site are closed to the public indefinitely.
Almost all records were lost in the fire, and the academy was closed indefinitely.
A guard reached at the center by telephone said it had been closed indefinitely.
The deck and interior have been closed off to the public indefinitely.
Works in this area will have to be moved for safe keeping, and the rooms closed indefinitely.
As a result, the Mostar-to-Sarajevo road seems likely to remain closed indefinitely, the United Nations officials said.
Trains are running on a normal schedule, but the intersection has not been reopened to vehicular traffic and will remain closed indefinitely.
The stadium is currently out of action owing to the severe damage sustained during the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake and will remain closed indefinitely.
The hotel was evacuated Wednesday and remains closed indefinitely on orders of the Fire Department.
The White House has been closed to tourists since Sept. 11, and Mr. Fleischer said today that it would remain closed indefinitely.
Shell said its 53,000-barrel-a-day production unit would remain closed indefinitely.
Three remain closed indefinitely because of safety and mechanical problems, including cracks in the cooling systems.
The observatories will remain closed indefinitely, and building officials awaited advice from city officials about reopening the rest.
It is expected to remain closed indefinitely due to the continued liability issues and an increased focus on security, especially after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
All the schools in the West Bank, including private and United Nations institutions, were ordered closed indefinitely today by the Israeli authorities, sending some 250,000 students home.