Polaroid cameras flashed, capturing a closed rank of friends, blue-white in an American port.
Only a few corporate giants have cracked the closed ranks, and they have been regarded with wariness.
Papewaio called an order, and the Acoma still able to fight closed ranks, stepping back of necessity over the still-warm bodies of their comrades.
Zen is confronted with the closed ranks and closed mouths of a small, remote rural town, where everyone knows the secrets of everyone else.
Shrieking in pain, they split their closed ranks and fought back the way they'd come.
Ultimately, after a long saga of closed ranks and establishment incompetence, he was completely exonerated.
Clicking in unison, the sentries who were not called closed ranks smartly, looking simultaneously relieved and disappointed.
There are also complaints in Japan, where foreign suppliers have long blamed their difficulty in penetrating the Japanese market on the closed ranks of the keiretsu.
He writes of the "closed ranks of the newspaper establishment" (page 28).
The report, which has been circulating within the F.B.I. for weeks, has stirred deep resentment among the agency's closed ranks of counterintelligence agents.