The Santa Barbara grand jury handed up a sealed indictment of Mr. Jackson last week after 13 days of closed-door testimony.
Disclosures of the committee's closed-door testimony last Wednesday, including attacks on Mr. Gates's integrity and judgment, have concerned many on the committee.
The Senate Ethics Committee heard closed-door testimony from a witness who knows perhaps more than anyone about Keating's relationship with five Senators under investigation.
He said he had told the committees in closed-door testimony last Thursday evening that there had been attempts to influence him, apparently with financial inducements.
Today, the committee released closed-door testimony given on July 1 by Ross Perot, the Texas businessman and candidate for President.
The committee is also taking closed-door testimony from former American servicemen, intelligence agents and officials who assert that the United States had covered up information on missing Americans.
The reports drew on closed-door testimony given in July by Richard V. Allen, Mr. Reagan's national security adviser.
At the closed-door testimony were the President, his lawyer, defense lawyers, representatives of the Whitewater prosecutor's office, the McDougals and a few others.
After Mitrione's death Golden disputed the torture-training allegations in closed-door testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
It was unclear whether that subject had come up during the closed-door testimony on Monday.