Your thread of Fate is closely woven with the King's through Elionbel.
Rubel has much to hate this Nightmare for and, remember, through Elionbel his thread is woven closely into yours.
Percale refers to a closely woven, high thread count, cotton fabric often used for sheets and clothing.
Many UK brass bands are closely woven into the local community, performing outdoor civic duties throughout the year.
Pupation takes place in a boat-shaped cocoon, closely woven with white or yellow rather-papery silk.
Zeltbahn - a triangular or square shelter quarter made of closely woven, water-repellent cotton duck.
She finally found a hat, dark gray but it was woven closely and it would keep her ears warm.
Pleachers are closely woven and the tops are entwined.
Closely woven into the fear was a sense of guilt.
The walls were made of stripped palm fronds, closely woven and tied with hemp to the wooden uprights.