Previously, the kiwi, the Australian emu, and cassowary were thought to be the closest ancestors.
The closest ancestor we can find for it is something called Carcharodon megalodon, a fish that existed maybe thirty or forty thousand years ago.
He is our closest common ancestor.
This 1929 discovery suggested that man's closest ancestor might have lived in Asia as well as Africa.
The degree of two cousins' relationship is determined by the number of generations to their closest common ancestor.
Bourre's closest ancestor is an obsolete 19th century card game, rams, played in France.
This is evident in looking at its closest ancestor Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
If you are talking about cousins, your closest common ancestor is your grandparents.
Yet its closest ancestor wasn't a printer but a shredder: you just shove stacks of paper, 50 pages at a time, into the top slot.
The closest ancestor, in form, of the armoire desk, is the Moore desk.