They say family is the closest bond," she went on, "but that's a crock . . . when you have these problems.
I lived in the closest bond of friendship with him.
"They say the closest bond between two people is a smile."
That's the closest bond two people can have , a feeling so strong that when it's shared, it changes everything around it.
The one person she wants to tell is Val, with whom she shares the closest bond and it makes her "gutted" to remain silent.
Bim's inability to forgive Raja demonstrates that the deepest hurts come from the closest bonds.
But she formed some of her closest bonds, she added, with the students who had been the most difficult.
The bonds of a Tower circle are the closest bonds we know.
For a moment he relaxed into the content of having them all around him, close, reassuring, in the closest bond known.
A common language is the closest bond of a country's people.