The closest urban center, Danbury, is about 20 miles away, or about a half-hour drive, depending on the traffic and time of day.
Tom states that the closest center is in the town of Willard, several miles away.
The closest administrative centers were in Ludar and Tempre.
The closest urban center is Zitácuaro, whose growth has promoted the growth of the other, more rural settlements.
The distance to the closest regional center Passos is 80 km.
The distance to the closest regional center Arcos is 23 km.
It also depends on a parameter m that controls how much weight is given to the closest center.
The closest major centre is Quesnel, located approximately 200 km east of the park.
Such things as I speak lie in the closest and dearest center of the human brain.
It is the closest academic medical center in proximity to the National Institutes of Health.