Its closest modern parallel would be a ladle.
But Mr Dixon suggests the closest recent parallel to a euro exit might well be the splitting of Czechoslovakia.
The closest modern parallel to their work lies in control engineering and pneumatic instrumentation.
The Ravine's closest parallel is the Ramble in Central Park.
The closest parallels are the Roman villas of Milreu, Pisões and Rabaçal.
The closest parallels, they say, are in the rules that have evolved over time for dealing with public health emergencies like disease outbreaks and product tampering.
The closest recent parallel, I suppose, is Robert Mapplethorpe, in the way he uses absolutely explicit imagery in a rather cool manner.
In terms of dimension and texture, battles seem the closest parallels to what happened on Sept. 11.
His closest parallels are found in the realms of set design, puppet theater, even window displays.
However, the closest and most relevant parallel may be found in rabbinic literature.