They're right, though for that you must travel, Spain being the closest stop, the Alhambra palace in Granada being a logical destination.
The closest stops are Westmont and Haddonfield.
The closest stops are located in Bennäs or Kokkola.
The closest stop of Oslo Metro is Ullevål stadion.
Today the closest stop is in Högsby.
The closest stop to Foxrock is Carrickmines, where the line rejoins the old railway route.
It is the closest stop on the Broadway Line to New York University.
Queen's Road stop will replace the present staff halt and the closest stop to the Museum of Transport.
From the Ipswich Train Station, the 515 Riverlink Bus 504 service provides the closest stop.
She usually takes the N train to work, but the closest stop on that line is at Eighth Street, a 15-minute walk from her home.