Here were two closet-sized rooms, doorless, separated by a mirror wall.
Then they passed through two unfamiliar closet-sized rooms and a long crawl space.
Off the back of the box were two closet-sized rooms.
Murdock decided a few hours' sleep would be beneficial to him as well, and he hit the bunk in his closet-sized room.
He bundled her into the closet-sized room, shoving the drug into her hand and killing the light.
The computer itself, a Hewlett-Packard 300 series work station, fits snugly into a closet-sized room on the bridge.
The pewter and brass bed and a two-on-three dresser were the only furniture in the closet-sized room.
They duck through a little doorway into a closet-sized room, shed their clothes and a guard checks them naked.
Fortunately it wasn't lit; otherwise we would have gagged on the smoke in that closet-sized room.