Barney Patel, a clothing dealer aged forty-six.
Keni Valenti, a clothing dealer and designer from Manhattan, was among the 60 people waiting outside the door for the sale to start.
Scott was born in Virginia and worked as a clothing dealer in Boston.
"Tiffany is very refined and elegant," said Mr. Valenti, the antique clothing dealer, who recalled his surprise at learning she was Mr. Rounick's daughter.
One of the clothing dealers was yelling, 'Rent a tie for the wedding!'
During this time, he purchased a ledger book from a clothing dealer in nearby Crawford, Nebraska.
Peter has a friend named Polat occupied as a money changer and clothing dealer.
In Boston he worked for a pie company and for a man named "Coffin Pitts, clothing dealer, no.36 Brattle Street."
Around 1853 former Virginia slave Anthony Burns worked for "Coffin Pitts, clothing dealer, no.36 Brattle Street."
As a result, America's clothing dealers are being squeezed at both ends.