A cloud of dust was advancing from the direction of the kitchens.
Many witnesses in Moscow, including the journalist Vladimir Gilyarovsky, report the same picture of the advancing storm: an unusual black cloud, 15-20 kilometers wide, advanced from south-east at estimated 25 meters per second (no instrumental wind readings were made).
He supposed that part of its brightness derived from the way the light was fading as the clouds advanced, but still, looking at it made his eyes ache.
The clouds had advanced at least halfway across the rocky cliffs that were their destination.
The cloud advanced steadily.
The clouds of smoke had advanced nearly to the intersection now.
The cloud advanced inexorably, seeming to ignore the wall.
Roland looked up at the sky, but the clouds had advanced out of the west and stolen the stars.
But now rising and sailing up from the South the great clouds advanced, sending out dark outriders into the starry fields.