Just then, a black cloud erupts from the sky as the chaos that Etro was keeping trapped breaks free.
It struck the fissure perfectly, and a cloud of vaporized rock erupted around the impact site.
A cloud of rock powder and earth erupted around herChuwiichuwiichuwiichuwiichuwiichuwiichuwii!
A moment later the cloud erupted and Krif came back across the water, almost too quickly for the eye to follow.
Before his eyes, a huge, black cloud erupted around the keep.
Before the couple could move, a gray-white cloud erupted on the walk.
The clouds surrounding the planet had erupted in one area, as though forced up from below.
A cloud of green smoke erupted ten yards ahead, a silent explosion in moonlight.
The clouds erupt from the hot Pacific as if immense warships were exploding all over the place.
In the dark of the launch bay, pink clouds erupted from beneath the craft as the engines screamed to life.