A breeze whispers its course across the open ground with the restrained promise that it will whistle when the clouds now hugging the horizon arrive later in the afternoon.
He wasn't sure of the full depth of the yawning abyss because in the far distance below, clouds hugging the ice-slicked walls obscured the bottom.
General Jertz said that heavy clouds hugging the mountains of Kosovo for most of the first five weeks of the bombing had made it impossible for allied planes to make direct attacks against Serbian forces in the province 85 percent of the time in March and most of April.
The dnu, placid as usual, hardly picked up the uneasy mood that clung to him like a cloud hugging a mountain, but they stamped their feet as the traces twitched, eager to get to the stable and start on their dinner.
It appeared low in the western sky, a streak of blue-white fire rising from the tumbled clouds hugging the Shieldwall.
Beyond it curved the gigantic bulk of Earth, sparkling blue oceans gleaming in the sunlight, brilliant white clouds hugging the surface, wrinkles of brown mountains.