Unfortunately mist, cloud, and intermittent rain could easily prevent all photography.
A regular topic of the Flamsteed letters was the weather and how clouds had prevented measurement.
Fog, low cloud and anti-aircraft fire prevented the raid from being a complete success, although several sites were attacked.
Heavy clouds prevented the target from being sighted so no bombs were dropped.
These clouds and the snowstorms to follow would prevent intervention in the battle by superior allied air forces.
The weather other than in the summer can be wet and cold, and clouds can then prevent seeing the rock.
Wispy clouds prevented him from seeing the very top.
Unfortunately, clouds prevented almost all observations.
The mission was frustrating in that clouds forced the bombers to return without dropping their ordnance, but did not prevent German fighter attacks.
On 14 May 1918, King sent a two-seat German scout out of control, but clouds prevented him from confirming its destruction.