A black cloud sailed in from the ocean and rested on the ridge, and Joseph's thought made it a black goat's head.
And God's cloud rested over the Tabernacle by day, and fire would appear in it by night, throughout the Israelites' journeys.
Rain washed over him, and gray mist descended until it seemed the clouds were resting atop the land.
For a moment a cloud rested upon the colonel's brow, only to give place to an expression of decided incredulity.
Gordon, finished his swift story, and saw that the black cloud of bitter disbelief still rested on Jhal Arn's face.
In the green light rested a few small solid clouds with sharp edges, and almost an assertion of repose.
It was at sunset that the mountains came into their own, for on some days clouds would rest over them like a light blanket and reflect the dying sun.
The cloud, the visible token of his presence, rests on the tabernacle, and the place is filled with his glory.
Yet, I thought a slight cloud rested on his brow, but this soon passed, and I forgot it.
They didn't worry about rain; Dor called out to a passing cloud, and it assured him that the clouds were all resting tonight, saving up for a blowout two days hence.