They landed in San Francisco, played a few club engagements, and eventually made their way to Los Angeles.
And they still manange to fit in club engagements as firm favourites with North-East audiences.
Stranded, she managed to find a club engagement at the Crystal Caverns.
Given the momentum the band generated in one concert set, it would be a pleasure to hear it in a club engagement.
They did numerous college concert tours and club engagements around the country in the 1960s.
When she got the call from the Village Vanguard inviting her to play a club engagement, she gladly accepted.
The jazzy saloon singer's first extended club engagement in more than a decade may also mark her farewell appearance.
In her later career she was more busy on stage, performing and making appearances with her nightclub acts, club engagements and performance tours.
This club engagement is less of an occasion, but it should place his gift as an educator in clearer focus.
This full-length club engagement should give these virtuosos a chance to dig deep into the music.