My clothes showed I was from the hills, a patched, old homespun shirt, jeans stuffed into clumsy boots.
At nine o'clock the next morning I heard Joe's clumsy boots on the stairs, and at last he entered Herbert's rooms.
He was in clumsy boots, gooseturd-coloured hose, and a rancid jerkin.
Geordi hurried across the room as quickly as the clumsy boots would allow.
The men ran like cripples in their clumsy boots, as quietly as spiders.
The Earthman stared at the toes of his clumsy boots.
Doon concentrated on his 41 feet--the clumsy boots made it hard not to stumble.
Hohenstauffens of the past, more often than not, would have already been planting their great clumsy boots on the Brenner Pass.
The costumes also included big, clumsy boots, and the outfits were layered like an armadillo, making movement difficult.
They were clumsy hob-nailed boots - a workman's boots.