On his feet, he looked for the zombis, to see them rising in their clumsy, stolid fashion.
I grabbed Buddy around the waist and we pulled him along in a clumsy, stumbling fashion.
Instead of script, he printed letters in crude and clumsy fashion.
They move in a clumsy, jerky fashion after long pauses.
I'm sorry for your loss, and for giving you the news in such clumsy fashion.
"Why should any one murder a man in so clumsy a fashion as by hanging him?"
"In my own clumsy fashion, I was trying to test your psychic capabilities."
In due course he would have come up with another scheme and then tried to put that into action in his clumsy fashion.
Each side wants to appeal to racial loyalties and animosities without doing so in such a clumsy fashion as to be accused of bigotry.
They knew her for the chosen of the Master and accorded her respect, in a clumsy fashion.