Then there are the lovely clunking sounds of leg wheels turning and seats swiveling.
Charlie lurched to a halt outside the library and the engine died with a clunking sound.
There was a low clunking sound, as if something were sliding back beneath their feet.
With a series of loud clunking sounds, the couplings took up the slack.
I told her, and in a minute I could hear the clunking sound of her huge cork soles.
A clunking sound in his ear followed by saccharine Montavani, which was supposed to make being on bold more pleasant.
About five minutes into the test I heard a very familiar clunking sound coming from the definitely bad hard drive.
A moment later, I heard the familiar clunking sound of a can of soda plummeting down the slot.
Then the clunking sound of the receiver being picked up again.
There was a loud clunking sound, followed by a sharp burning pain that shot right through his forearm.