The cluster is relatively young (about 24 million years), and contains a high number of Be stars.
This cluster contains an estimated 1,100,000 times the mass of the Sun and it is around 11.9 billion years old.
Groups and clusters may contain ten to thousands of individual galaxies.
Each cluster might contain hundreds or even thousands of machines.
Some open clusters contain hot blue stars which seem to be much younger than the rest of the cluster.
Each cluster contains one to five detailed standards (not listed here).
Only one cluster contained the correct clue, while the other four instructed them to try again.
The cluster contains around 400,000 stars, and can be seen with the naked eye under good observing conditions.
A cluster bright enough to read by contains at least 24 diodes and is likely to cost more than $60.
The clusters in all other richness classes contain less than 300 such galaxies.